The Benefits of Becoming a NDIS Registered Provider
Deciding to become a NDIS Registered Provider regime is a big decision, however arguably one that is essential if you are wanting to run and manage a successful business with the ability to offer services and supports to a wide scope of participants.
There are a lot of reasons why registration is important and beneficial to your business:
You can work directly with NDIA-managed participants, allowing for more business intake in your local area and expansion opportunities due to being able to provide services and supports to a wide spectrum of participants that is only available as a registered provider.
Participants are keener on trusting registered NDIS providers rather than unregistered providers (which often has a negative connotation to participants as it leads to trust issues and drives important business away from your business.
From a legal standpoint, you are fully-recognised as a provider committing to a standard of quality recognised by the NDIS Commission and Australian Government, allowing for easier access to financing which ultimately is what will allow to you build and expand your business.
There’s no back and forth between the participant and the agency as you can request the funds from a participant’s plan directly through the NDIS portal.
It is tax deductible! Ultimately, you need expenses through your business otherwise all that hard earned money will go straight to the taxman; and
The NDIS requires you to be registered in order to offer certain supports and services, namely;
Specialist disability accommodation
Supports or services during which there is or is likely to be a need to use a regulated restrictive practice; and
Specialist behaviour supports that involve undertaking behaviour support assessment of the participant or developing a behaviour support plan for the participant.
At Provider One, our recommendation is that if you are serious about building your business and presence as a provider through the NDIS then it is a no brainer to become a NDIS Registered Provider.
At Provider One, we streamline the NDIS registration process through our comprehensive NDIS packs which contain everything you need to successfully submit your application to the NDIS, pass an audit with an NDIS approved auditor with flying colours and start delivering care as a NDIS Registered Provider as soon as possible.
Call us today and speak to one of our friendly consultants who can walk you through the NDIS Registration process!
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